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Chemical peels are topical exfoliants which are applied to the skin to soften dead skin cells and exfoliate them. Many skin conditions can be improved when receiving a series of peels. Peels help improve the texture and appearance of the skin, they stimulate cell turnover, give a more youthful appearance, soften fine lines, dull skin becomes more radiant, improves skin's elasticity, rough, uneven or sun damaged skin will become smoother and will even out. Acne scarring may also be softened. Because these peels are superficial there is no downtime.

Chemical peels are performed on the face, neck, or hands. They can be used to:

″Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth
″Treat wrinkles caused by sun damage, aging, and family history
″Improve the appearance of mild scarring
″Treat certain types of acne
″Reduce age spots, freckles, and dark patches due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills (melasma)
″Improve the look and feel of skin that is dull in texture and color

Areas of sun damage, which may contain pre-cancerous keratoses that appear as scaly spots, may improve after chemical peeling. Following treatment, new pre-cancerous lesions are less likely to appear.